Get Boilerplates


Meet our boilerplate makers who work tirelessly to make your life easier :)

Hi there! 👋

I'm Robin, an Engineer & Indie Maker. I co-founded Contxt app (which didn't work out), but I'm not giving up!

I've already crushed my goal of making $1 online in 2024. Now I'm aiming for my first real customer this year with Native Express - the ultimate hybrid mobile app boilerplate to get your idea to the app store in record time. Building in public and learning every day! 🚀


Tom van den Bogaart

Tom van den Bogaart

I'm a 26-year-old software engineer who spends my 9-5 developing software and my 5-9 building SaaS products as an Indiehacker.

I'm passionate about software development and always looking for ways to accelerate my process.

By day, I refine my skills and contribute to impactful projects, and by night, I channel my creativity into building and launching my own software solutions.
